Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last Recap before Season 2 04/24 by Carl Dodge | Blog Talk Radio

Last Recap before Season 2 04/24 by Carl Dodge | Blog Talk Radio

This is the last recap before we start up for season #2. This week we are talking to Hasan Shah of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation about the awesome work they are doing and how YOU can help! Also, I am joined by my life long friend Matt Woods and Tom…and we talk about how socially stupid kids can be, and how one teacher is trying his best to fix that.

ABOUT CARL & THE RECOVERY ROOM (http://bit.ly/wjLmrf)
Carl Dodge hosts a weekly show called The Recovery Room. He hopes that the show will help educate and raise awareness about the REAL Islam, in the voice of a Muslim convert, Carl! In Carl’s own word, ‘Don’t get culture mixed with religion! But it isn’t all serious in here…I mean after isn’t laughter the best medicine? So join me Tuesdays at 7pm (ET)

I am going to take 1 more week...sorry!

This is a hard choice, but i think the +The Recovery Room (@recoverypodcast) is taking one more week off. I am setting up a new format and i think i need one extra week to get it ramped up. But till than...i will do another recap show, and i would love some feedback on my new cohost who is helping me out. Please let me know! www.bcdodge.me

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Said Durrah steps into the Recovery Room Podcast 04/10 by Carl Dodge | Blog Talk Radio

Said Durrah steps into the Recovery Room Podcast 04/10 by Carl Dodge | Blog Talk Radio

This week in the Recovery Room we have standup comic Said Durrah (@SaidsWorld) of Arabs Gone Wild & the NY Arab American Comedy Festival!

We will be talking about his upcoming show at GMU "A NIght of Comedy & Charity"
Said has performed standup comedy in Manhattan, New York at The Comic Strip, and at the famed Town Hall Theatre on Broadway.

You can learn more about Said at his web site www.saidsworld.com or on Facebook www.facebook.com/saiddurrah

So get your questions ready and call in live Tuesday April 10, 2012 at 7pm (EST) 

ABOUT CARL & THE RECOVERY ROOM (http://bit.ly/wjLmrf)
Carl Dodge hosts a weekly show called The Recovery Room. He hopes that the show will help educate and raise awareness about the REAL Islam, in the voice of a Muslim convert, Carl! In Carl’s own word, ‘Don’t get culture mixed with religion! But it isn’t all serious in here…I mean after isn’t laughter the best medicine? So join me Tuesdays at 7pm (ET)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Facebook Connects Life Long Friends 04/03 by Carl Dodge | Blog Talk Radio

Facebook Connects Life Long Friends 04/03 by Carl Dodge | Blog Talk Radio

Tonight I am joined by my life long friend Matt Woods, and we talk about how Facebook brought us back together, and the current state of education.

What could 2 people who have known each other for…25 years (When did I get old??) have to talk about? I guess you will have to tune in to find out!

ABOUT CARL & THE RECOVERY ROOM (http://bit.ly/wjLmrf)
Carl Dodge hosts a weekly show called The Recovery Room. He hopes that the show will help educate and raise awareness about the REAL Islam, in the voice of a Muslim convert, Carl! In Carl’s own word, ‘Don’t get culture mixed with religion! But it isn’t all serious in here…I mean after isn’t laughter the best medicine? So join me Tuesdays at 7pm (ET)