So this morning I saw a tweet from a friend of mine that linked to an article about a sweet blond haired blue eyed girl next door that feels Muslim women & children look like trash bags…wait, what??
Yes, Cindy Pugh, who is a Tea Party candidate for state representative, said it is "Disturbing ... that women & little girls are OK with dressing like this!!! What will it take for these women to stand up and say, 'NO'!? Wondering if they will ever do that?!"
I am wondering if Cindy knows why they dress like that; or does she just spout off at the mouth with no filter and then back peddles to support whatever crap just came out of her mouth?
More than likely, she really believes what she is saying…why is that?
Because on May 21 of this year she took a photo from the Facebook page "Proud to be an Infidel," (that sounds like a lovely group to align yourself with!) with the following slogan: "It's not Islamophobia when they are really trying to kill you."
The only killing that I see going on around here is her campaign, and it was killed by her mouth. I can’t believe that someone that wants to be a representative would talk like this. What is wrong with people like this?
This is the kind of person that The Recovery Room Podcast is trying to reach and teach. He words show ignorance, plain and simple.
According to the article I read Pugh's Facebook page has “images of bumper stickers offering to pay for your contraception if you pay for her ammunition and tries to figure out "what 'We [The People]' could do to show Michele Bachmann how much we appreciate her.”
I swear there are days I don’t even want to get out of bed. Whatever happened to tolerance to those that are different than us? What about freedom of religion?
I for one am going to reach out to her and offer try to teach her the “whys” of some of these things. I will post links to her twitter and Facebook pages…if you have anything you would like to express to her PLEASE feel free!
Let her know the only that looks like it belongs in a trash bag are comments like these.
This is her website
This is her Facbook
This is her Twitter
And this is her Email:
OH! AND this is her phone number (952) 474-1436
みんなが知っていて!!!bottega 財布!価格は比較的高めのボッテガヴェネタ 財布彼は以前Bottega が一株風靡したおしゃれな波を起こすことを席巻することを引率していて、しかし若くて、かえってすでに経典を製造しています!!